Sunday, February 22, 2009

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig

Well, Miss Rachel and I are home from LTUE. We had a fabulous time together. I like spending time with her. She is a very talented and sweet person.

We hung out with our fantabulous writer friends and talked and laughed and laughed some more. Thanks Karen, James, Julie, Melinda and Kristi. These are amazing people and I am so grateful to count them as friends.

I even got a surprise visit from my sister. She provided our entertainment. It was a riot.

I didn't take any pictures, although I packed my camera with me everywhere I went. Figures.


  1. You didn't have fun with me??? WAAAAAAAAAA! ;P Love you, Friend.

  2. What do you mean? You are the first person I named. You must not be getting enough sleep.

  3. ROFL! Are you kidding me?? You just added that in, didn't you. It can't be my eyes. Really. Can it?

    I had a blast with you too. I couldn't ask for a better sister/friend. *hugs*

  4. Hmm...was it a good surprise or a bad surprise? You be the judge.


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