Monday, August 4, 2008

Memories . . .

I saw this on Tristi's blog. I thought it was cool, so . . .

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.


  1. Hmm...just one? How about Deep Thoughts with you, me and mom during Education Week at BYU-Idaho. Oh, and all the trays of food I brought home. Mmm...

  2. Okay, the first time we met, you let me read something you wrote and I gave some feedback. I worred from then on that you'd hate me for what I'd said. (you don't do you? LOL) And I've wondered ever since if you actually did the rewrite I was hoping to read of that piece...

  3. i remember the massive life-savor you threw at me (via email) this last year. your one-paragraph email suggestions on how to help my MC bond to his father saved my poor little rotting brain! You have NO idea how much you helped me. Bow-down Bow-down. :) I hope to someday have even more memories to share. LOVES

  4. Sitting in the main auditorium at BYU WIFYR 2007 and listening to your laugh.

    I wish I had a laugh like yours.

  5. Most recently? Your beautiful gift of music yesterday before Mom's funeral. Despite the tears, it was a joyous moment on a sad, sad day. That is a memory I will treasure forever.

  6. That supposed "sleepover" for Karen and you and your sister standing in the kitchen; I'm looking from you to her and thinking, they can't be related :-)

  7. How you and I were able to talk about writing at the LDSsorymakers conf two years ago when I had just met you. I was shy and insecure about writing and you made me feel like a real writer and you didnt even know me. Thanks Shari. :)


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