Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wild Week

This has been a most wild week. I attended a two-day student teaching seminar in Logan on Monday and Tuesday. Then Wednesday I started right in to my student teaching. I love my cooperating teacher. It is a great class and the kids are so cute. And I am completely exhausted at the end of the day. Who can even think about writing lesson plans or planning a ten-hour service project? December won't arrive too soon for me.

We also had a bit of excitement at our house yesterday and none of us were even home to enjoy it. There was a two-foot badger on the playground at my children's elementary school. The children were ushered into the school and apparently the badger decided without students he didn't want to be there any more, so he headed over the the church. That wasn't exciting enough either, so he wormed his way into our back yard. He apparently enjoyed himself as we have a nice hole in our garden where he tried to burrow himself. The school called animal control and we had numerous civil servants parked in front of our house (probably with lights flashing) and in our back yard, including three police officers, two animal control officers, and a couple of wildlife officials. They chased it out of our yard back to the church and caught it in the parking lot. What a sight that must have been?

It was definitely a wild week.


  1. How cool, Shari! A real life badger! And just when I was about to comment on the cute photo you got from the internet :-)

  2. sounds exciting!

    i'm happy to see you blogging.


  3. hahhhahaha. You weren't home the whole time? Wild indeed. Either that, or you've got a neighbor with an over-active imagination, who just thought it'd be fun to come up with something crazy to tell ya. lol

  4. Too bad you weren't there. At least you still have a good story to tell. :-)

  5. He's sooo cute! I hope they released him in some nice forest somewhere.

  6. Wow -- that is pretty exciting!

    A reminder of your stop on "The Santa Letters" blog tour, due on Saturday. Thanks!

  7. We have Badgers in Ephraim. About three thousand of them. They don't bury themselves in our backyard though, they mostly just take all the good yogurt at Walmart.


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