Thursday, July 31, 2008

The End of BIAM

As I sit alone in the silence of my hotel room, *sigh*, I think about this being the last day of the month and it's the last day I can write for the BIAM. I haven't spent as much time writing my story as I would like as I have had to think a lot about what I need to have happen next. I wish I would have had it more outlined before I started. It has slowed down the actual writing process, but I am getting through each challenge and am working things out. I have accomplished quite a bit this month, close to 10,000 words, especially since I've had to do some other things to work out my plot issues. I had hoped to finish it, and although that didn't happen, I feel good about what I have accomplished. At least I am many hours closer to completing it.


  1. Hey. Feel good about what you have accomplished: 10,000 words? That is a lot. Congratulations! Why are you in a hotel room by yourself? Where are you?

  2. I am in Idaho Falls with my daughter who is at dance camp.

  3. That is so cool, Shari! There's nothing to be ashamed of at all!


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