Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Versatile Blogger

I just wanted to finally thank Lindy at Lindy Legends for the fabulous award. And I apologize for taking so long to thank you. A little four letter word called life has gotten in the way of my blogging lately.

Random things about me:

1) My thoughts are very random, so if my blog sounds random, that’s why.

2) I have a bajillion pens and pencils. Why can’t I stop myself from buying them? Who knows.

3) I crave writing with said pens and pencils on real paper.

4) I like embroidery. I am actually making a quilt with embroidered blocks.

5) Last, but not least, I have to go finish ironing. I hate ironing. Yes, poor me.

Also, I cheated. It was supposed to be ten things, but I'm sure you'll agree that five was plenty.

Thanks so much Lindy. She is awesome! If you haven’t met her, go to her blog.

Have a great day! What’s a random thing about you?


  1. I've been wondering where you've been. I'm glad you are back! We need to have a get together.

  2. COngratulations and I've yet to meet someone who did enjoy ironing.

  3. Congrats!
    Totally random? I'm a bit hyper. I can't sit still, even to watch a movie. Not figetty, just need to be doing something at all times.

  4. Congratulations on getting the award! Love those facts - I used to embroider when I was little, but never had the patience to really learn it properly, which I regret now.

  5. Congrats on your award.

    I like pens and pencils too. All kinds of stationery in fact. Add notebooks to that too. Ironing definitely isn't on my list of favourite things to do. :(

  6. Congratulations on your award!

    I'm so with you on the ironing.

  7. Congrats on your award. Nice random things about you. Let's see, something random about me?

    I used to jump out of airplanes.

  8. I'm in your camp. If I don't have to iron I won't, lol.

  9. I like your blog name.




  10. Hope all is well ... we haven't heard from you in awhile. Take care and come back soon! :)

  11. Not so random, I'm looking for Ninjas to interview on my blog, but you seem to be on a seecrit Ninja mission. I hope it goes well!!

  12. Not quite so random - I dropped by looking for ninja writers to interview for my Ninja spotlight series. http://kelworthfiles.wordpress.com/2012/05/16/im-looking-for-a-few-good-ninjas/

    But you appear to be off on a seecrit Ninja mission. Good luck, hope you assassinate the right thing! :) And maybe I can use my ninja skills on the disappearing captchas or whatever else is keeping me from commenting...


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