Tristi must be running out of friends to tag 'cause she went and tagged me. Thanks alot, Tristi. Okay, here goes.
Eight Things on My Wish List:
1. A brand new Sohmer piano.
2. A scale that told me my true weight.
3. A contract.
4. An agent.
5. A lunch date with my hat sisters.
6. Tickets to Wicked!
7. A Yorkiepoo
8. A nice get-away.
Eight TV Shows I Like to Watch:
1. The Biggest Loser
2. The Eleventh Hour
3. Arthur
4. The Cosby Show
5. Anything on The Discovery Channel
6. Perry Mason
7. The Andy Griffith Show
8. I can't think of any more. I don't watch much tv.
Eight Things That Happened Yesterday:
1. I went to church.
2. I made a poster for school.
3. I made a present for my best friend's birthday.
4. I made steak and baked potatoes for dinner.
5. I did puzzles with my eight-year old.
6. I snuggled with my sweetie.
7. I took a nap.
8. I ate dove chocolate. Mmmmmm.
Eight people I am tagging.
Pink Ink
Make that seven people I am tagging.
Thanks, friends, and good luck.